Thư mời tham gia nghiên cứu "Quản lý và kết quả của chấn thương sọ não" nghiên cứu quan sát

This e-mail is a kind reminder for your previous invitation to participate in this study.

You are cordially invited to participate in the multicenter observational study “Management and Outcome of Traumatic Brain Injury Observational Registry in Asia (MOTOR) Study”. There is an increasing evidence that Traumatic brain injury (TBI) has been often synonymously used as a silent epidemic, neglected epidemic and public health crisis due to its growing incidence and global public health, social and economic burden. The objective of this study is to evaluate the practice of management of severe TBI amongst Asian ICUs and compare it with the global management.

This project is initiated by Saudi Critical Care Trials Group (SCCTG) and has been approved by the IRB at King Abdullah International Medical Research Center (KAIMRC) as well endorsed by the Asian Critical Care Clinical Trials Group (ACCCTG). Our aim is to  encourage you to coordinate this activity as your country Investigator by identifying the potential ICUs to participate in this study and provide us with the details of each center in the form of an excel sheet. Each ICU will need to collect a moderate amount of data on a minimum of 10 consecutive patients with Traumatic Brain Injury and enter it via the online data entry platform developed by our research team. Authorship will be decided on the basis of recruiting a representative number of ICUs. Data collection will start on the 1st of September 2019. Our team will assist you with the requirements needed for gaining approval for data collection based on your country’s regulations.

Please advise if you are interested to be the National Coordinator or otherwise, please suggest a colleague who can take this role.

                                    *Yes, I will be happy to participate

                                    *No, I would nominate a colleague


Name:               ______________________________


Email Address: ______________________________  


We will be happy to send the full proposal, website link and user info after receiving your positive confirmation.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

We look forward to working with you on this trial.



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